
Thursday, June 20, 2013

'Mo's growing up

Didn't think I'd ever see the day....'Mo's getting married...proposed to a woman from Nautilus...Her name is Brigid Johnston, already took our Clan name and everything. She was one of the ones that we grew up does that take me back...

The biggest city on Nautilus is the capital, Kraken, which also happens to be the biggest fishing port on the planet. Seeing as how most everyone there is a fisherman of some sort or is a business owner catering to the fisherman and most fishermen are out at see for days at a time that left packs and hordes of children behind. 'Mo, me, Brigid, and others all ran together back in the day. Never would have figured that the two of them would get together though. Hehe...wonder what old man Kestrahk has to say about all this, Mr. Kestrahk was my Da's first mate and Brigid's dad a giant of a man stading just under three meters tall and quite muscled from his years in an Amarrian mining camp. I learned at a very old age that the normal quiet and reserved man has a temper to match a supernova hidden within. 'Mo and me learned the hard way never to rouse old man Kestrahk's anger when a prank went wrong as children.

Bet he just about had a heart attack when he learned that his little girl was going to marry my "Scoundrel" of a brother, his words by the way. Then  again knowing Brigid and 'Mo like I do she is probably the one who convinced him to marry her. I can see it now, 'Mo quivering in his Ishukone made logistics dropsuit as Brigid came at him with a wrench commanding him to marry her or else.

She's a good woman, and an even better mechanic. 'Mo tells me that she went through the surgery to become a Clone Soldier like him....he's not sure what to think of it, and I have a mind to agree with him...still, she'll watch his back in combat, keep him safe. Weddings not for another few months so I have some time to prepare I guess.

Its good to have good news.


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